Sperling Prostate Center

TRUS Biopsy: The Human Pincushion

Here’s a quote that sums up the issue with a TRUS (transrectal ultrasound) guided prostate biopsy: “Needle biopsy of the prostate is an invasive procedure, which can be associated with complications (including bleeding, pain, and infection) and it is therefore important to maximize the diagnostic information gained.” The word “maximize” would be troubling if it meant sampling as many areas as possible... keep reading

FDA Clears New Treatment Thanks to Sperling Prostate Center and Others

MRI prostate cancer treatment - Sperling Prostate Center
MRI-guided focused ultrasound is a new noninvasive focal treatment approach for localized low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer. It has been in clinical study the in the U.S. for the past several years in order to evaluate its safety, effectiveness and side effect profile. The Sperling Prostate Center, along with eight other important medical centers, is keep reading

3 Noteworthy Updates on 3T mpMRI of Prostate

We want to draw particular attention to a branch of AI called machine learning. When software is specifically “trained” to recognize imaging features, it can “… provide better standardization and consistency in identifying prostate lesions and enhance prostate carcinoma management.” One of the benefits is increased efficiency for busy radiologists who interpret MRI results and write reports. More importantly, however, is... keep reading

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: AI is a Value-Added Improvement on all MRI Levels

MRI Screening Reduces Unnecessary Prostate Biopsies
Is there any part of the body that can’t benefit from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? So far, science hasn’t found one. In fact, not only can simple, straightforward MRI be applied to virtually all body parts, but MRI technology lends itself to endless development. For example, there are numerous variants in image acquisition that provide keep reading
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