Sperling Prostate Center

Category: PSA Screening

When are You Too Old for PSA Testing?

How Effective is the PSA Test? - Sperling Prostate Center
Are you confused about whether annual PSA screening is right for you? One can hardly be blamed, as guidelines have been zigzagging since 2012. Currently, shared decision-making between men and their medical caregivers is a compromise recommendation. Still, ongoing debate shows up in published literature backed up by data. Those in favor of annual testing keep reading

How Valuable is PSA Screening in Older Men?

Loneliness men's health
A recent Renal&Urology news story heralds, “The risk of dying from prostate cancer is low among older men receiving routine screening, investigators report.”[i](In this case, older refers to men ages 70-74.) At first glance, that sounds like encouragement to continue annual PSA screening as you age—an idea that conflicts with the 2018 U.S. Preventive Services keep reading

Lifesaving PSA – Does It or Doesn’t It?

How Effective is the PSA Test? - Sperling Prostate Center
Does PSA screening reduce PCa mortality, or doesn’t it? We know that PSA is not specific for cancer, since many prostate conditions can cause a rise in PSA blood levels. We also know that an elevated PSA can lead to a conventional TRUS-guided biopsy, and that such biopsies can either miss PCa (30% rate of false negatives), or overdetect insignificant PCa... keep reading
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