Sperling Prostate Center

How to Survive Prostate Cancer: All, Nothing at All, or Something In Between?

Testosterone use and the prostate - Sperling Prostate Center
What’s the best way to deal with prostate cancer (PCa)? The obvious answer is, do something about it. For decades, “doing something” meant radical prostatectomy (RP). In other words, surgically remove it all. More recently, the pendulum has started swinging the other way in a surge toward active surveillance (AS). From 2010 to 2015, the keep reading

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Quality of Life vs. Possible Risks

The evolution of prostate cancer (PCa) treatment often seems like a moving target. Suddenly there’s a revolutionary new treatment, or an exciting development in an existing one. Patients benefit from technological advances, gains in experience, and improved scientific knowledge—but even the most promising must survive the test of time, since unintended consequences can show up keep reading
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