Sperling Prostate Center

Scan Abuse and How to Avoid It

  Sadly, prostate cancer (PCa) patients with low-risk disease are still being sent for needless diagnostic bone and CT scans. This was the finding of an impressive multi-disciplinary research team from several institutions (U.S. Veterans Administration and various medical and public policy departments within New York University and Yale University). The investigators found that nearly keep reading

Put an End to Overtreatment

“There is increased use of radiotherapy among patients with indolent prostate cancer with limited to no correlation with tumor biology.” This conclusion was reached by a research team out of UCLA after studying the treatment choices of 37,621 patients.[i] In fact, over half (57.9%) of the men were sent for radiation, while 19.1% had a keep reading

The Impact of the Recommendation Against PSA Screening

In 2012, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued a recommendation against routine PSA screening for otherwise healthy men. Almost immediately, prostate cancer support organizations and hundreds of clinical professionals raised an outcry. While acknowledging that the non-prostate cancer specific blood test often led to over-detection and over-treatment of indolent prostate cancer, countless lives keep reading
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