Sperling Prostate Center

Don’t Overlook the Kind of Prostate Cancer that Can Kill You

Don’t Overlook the Kind of Prostate Cancer that Can Kill You
Over 1,200,000 men around the globe are diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCa) every year. They don’t all have the same disease, however. There are numerous cell lines with varying characteristics: “The disease is very heterogeneous in terms of grade, genetics, ploidy, and oncogene/tumor suppressor gene expression, and its biological, hormonal, and molecular characteristics are extremely keep reading

The Five Problems with TRUS Biopsy

An Important Update on the Rise in Post-Biopsy Infections
Up till now, prostate cancer has been the only tumor cancer diagnosed by random luck. That’s right, random luck. The most common type of prostate biopsy is guided by transrectal ultrasound, or TRUS. It is considered the “gold standard” for prostate biopsy because it’s most widely used by urologists... keep reading

What Do We Know About Testosterone After 40 Years?

Once a dominant narrative has been established, it can be exceedingly difficult to return to an objective stance where the evidence again becomes paramount.[i] According to Dr. Abraham Morgantaler, the author of the above quote, for men with low testosterone blood levels (testosterone deficiency or TD), testosterone therapy is “simply good medicine.” Morgentaler is well keep reading

Diet, Cancer and You

You’re having a dream. In it, you’re in the lunch line at a fast-food restaurant, anticipating a tasty burger, fries and soft drink. Part of you feels a bit guilty because you had junk food just last week, but you have to be at an early afternoon meeting and... keep reading
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