Sperling Prostate Center

Tag: multiparametric MRI

How Can Liquid Biomarkers Reduce Prostate Cancer Overtreatment?

“There is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible, and wrong.” This quote from humorist H. L. Mencken might well apply to the latest government recommendation regarding PSA screening. Since its development and wide availability starting in the late 1990s, this simple blood test has undoubtedly saved the lives of hundreds of thousands keep reading

MRI/Ultrasound Fusion May Come with a Pitfall Called Registration Error

MRI/Ultrasound Fusion May Come with a Pitfall Called Registration Error
I came across a study written by a team of German urology/radiology research team. The authors are all physicians, and their report compares three commercial MRI/ultrasound fusion technologies: BioJet (D&K Technologies), UroNav (Invivo Corp.) and Trinity (KOELIS).[i] Their comparison study occupies the intellectual space where technology and medicine meet, since fusion literally integrates the brainpower keep reading
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