Sperling Prostate Center

Month: July 2024

When are You Too Old for PSA Testing?

How Effective is the PSA Test? - Sperling Prostate Center
Are you confused about whether annual PSA screening is right for you? One can hardly be blamed, as guidelines have been zigzagging since 2012. Currently, shared decision-making between men and their medical caregivers is a compromise recommendation. Still, ongoing debate shows up in published literature backed up by data. Those in favor of annual testing keep reading

Can mpMRI Predict Prostate Cancer Stage?

MRI/Ultrasound Fusion May Come with a Pitfall Called Registration Error
If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, you want to know, with as much accuracy as possible PSA and its variants - determined by blood test, Gleason score/Gleason Grade Group - determined by biopsy, and clinical stage - determined the old-fashioned way by combination of digital rectal exam or DRE, biopsy, inadequate information from ultrasound, and educated guess... keep reading

A Citrus Fruit a Day May Keep Prostate Cancer Away

Prostate cancer is a global disease, but not uniformly so. In fact, the incidence rates vary widely from one nation or region to another. Because of this, researchers have been very interested in the possibility that environmental and lifestyle factors could play a role in either promoting or preventing prostate cancer. Chief among these factors is nutrition, especially fruits and vegetables... keep reading
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