Sperling Prostate Center

Tag: prostate cancer

Can Stress and Anxiety Affect my PSA Results?

Few things are more unsettling and stressful than a diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa). It causes a state of anxiety. Each step of the journey sparks another wave of anxiety: suspicion, tests, diagnosis, choices, decisions, treatment, recovery, follow-up monitoring, and potential recurrence. These stressors trigger an immediate reaction: the fight-flight-freeze response. Most men can’t just flip a switch to let it go, but... keep reading

What is “Super Active Surveillance”?

Super Active Surveillance
“…any energy source can be applied to the super-active surveillance concept allowing more men to consider a tissue-preserving therapy for prostate cancer.” – Corradi et al. 2019[i] Thanks to a growing recognition among professionals that clinically insignificant PCa may never become life-threatening, a larger percentage of low-risk PCa patients are starting their treatment journey with keep reading
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