Sperling Prostate Center

Tag: multiparametric MRI

The PSA Screening Debate

On November 18, 2015 the New York Times carried an article titled “Early Prostate Cancer Cases Fall Along With Screening.” Ever since the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended against broad PSA screening on the grounds that it leads to overdetection and overtreatment, two opposing positions have been created. One position favors the recommendation on keep reading

A Brief Imaging Update

Roughly 14% of American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCa) in their lifetime. It is the second leading cause of death in men, after lung cancer—yet it is a highly curable disease if caught early, and if choice of treatment matches the disease. This year, over 220,000 new cases will be diagnosed. Today, keep reading

Poverty and Prostate Cancer Risk

I have written past blogs about physical factors that increase the risk of dying from prostate cancer: genetic history, exposure to toxic agents, alcohol abuse, smoking, too much red meat, precursor conditions such as high grade PIN and ASAP, etc. However, there’s another risk factor that does not occur within the body, but certainly affects keep reading

Competition in MRI Technology

“Everyone is keeping up with the Joneses, and there are more Joneses than ever.” This statement from art critic Jerry Saltz refers to the buying habits of a public hungry for trendy art. However, it could as easily apply to MRI technology, where the strength of the magnet—measured in units called Tesla, or T—makes all keep reading

“I Did It My Way”

One of Frank Sinatra’s most popular songs is “My Way,” and anyone who’s heard him sing it knows how he builds up to those last two syllables: myyyyyy waaay. When I chose medicine as my career path, part of what influenced me was my idealism. I wanted to help people by curing disease and easing keep reading

What Happens When Prostate Biopsies Are Negative?

The annual American Urological Society meeting (AUA 2015, May 15-19) has more presentations than ever on multiparametric MRI detection of prostate cancer, MRI targeted biopsies, MRI/ultrasound fusion, and MRI-guided focal therapies. The urologic world is sitting up and taking notice as advanced imaging is changing the prostate cancer landscape. I will be sharing selected presentations keep reading
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