Sperling Prostate Center

Tag: focal laser ablation

Demythologizing the Gold Standard

We live in an age of medical specialties that “compete” for patients. In women’s health, for example, treating noncancerous growths called uterine fibroid tumors has traditionally been the territory of gynecologists. Gynecologists, like urologists, were trained in surgery so they often recommend hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) as the gold standard for treating severe keep reading

Quality of Life After Radical Prostatectomy

Suzanne Somers once remarked, “I appreciate health care that gets to the root cause of our symptoms and promotes wellness, rather than the one-size-fits-all drug-based approach to treating disease. I love maintaining an optimal quality of life – naturally.” Ms. Somers’ words capture what we all want: to stay healthy and preserve vitality of body, keep reading

New Studies to Watch For

By: Dan Sperling, MD Many focal laser ablation patients, and those considering this targeted prostate cancer treatment, are eagerly anticipating the May 15-19 American Urological Association meeting in New Orleans. Given that the majority of urologists are not exactly FLA-friendly, why would fans of our pioneering and elegant therapy set their sights on this meeting? keep reading
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