Sperling Prostate Center

Tag: prostate cancer

7 Ways to Make Active Surveillance Monitoring More Trustworthy

For the right prostate cancer (PCa) patient, Active Surveillance (AS) is a good thing. Urologic professionals now see eye-to-eye on monitoring with a focus on “preventing overtreatment in patients for whom the benefit of treatment deferral outweighs the need for immediate oncologic control.”[i] That’s a technical way of saying, if you don’t have clinically significant keep reading

5 Myths About Prostate Cancer

Older man on iPad in park
Today’s world of prostate cancer is a far cry from what it was in your dad’s day. New knowledge about the disease includes a better understanding of prostate anatomy, prostate cancer genomics, the behavior of cancer cells, the role of lifestyle, etc. However, some old beliefs still linger. It’s time to put them to rest... keep reading

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: AI Advances in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
“Artificial intelligence systems can be trained to detect and grade cancer in prostate needle biopsy samples at a level comparable to experts.” So says a Urology Today report on the uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in diagnosing prostate cancer (PCa). An overview of progress in AI applications was presented by Dr. Peter Humphrey (Professor of keep reading
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