Sperling Prostate Center

Category: Prostate Cancer Detection

Getting Closer to a Liquid Biopsy for Prostate Cancer

Liquid biopsy - Sperling Prostate Center
When it comes to prostate cancer, your body comes equipped with a kind of check engine light. It’s your PSA blood test. If it comes back abnormally high or rising, it’s a physical uh-oh. Like a check engine light, it doesn’t tell you exactly what the problem is. A doctor’s next step might well be a conventional 12+ core, with its risks of inaccuracy and side effects. What if there were a simpler way to assemble and evaluate vital information in a single step, such as a blood draw? keep reading

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Fully Automated Estimation of Gleason Grade Using AI?

It’s hard to imagine the imagination of science fiction writers. While many of their literary works are based in our current world, like Michael Crichton’s novel The Andromeda Strain, science fiction works are not bound by past, present or future. In fact, the majority envision scientific or technological advances that don’t yet exist. As a keep reading
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