Sperling Prostate Center

Category: Imaging & mpMRI

Great News About Multiparametric MRI

It is always gratifying for a doctor when something he or she wholeheartedly believes in gets affirmed by published research. For me, this is the case with a new Italian study, “The Roles of Multiparametric MRI, PCA3, and PHI: Which Is The Best Predictor of Prostate Cancer After a Negative Biopsy?”[i] The authors recognize the keep reading

Competition in MRI Technology

“Everyone is keeping up with the Joneses, and there are more Joneses than ever.” This statement from art critic Jerry Saltz refers to the buying habits of a public hungry for trendy art. However, it could as easily apply to MRI technology, where the strength of the magnet—measured in units called Tesla, or T—makes all keep reading

New Studies to Watch For

By: Dan Sperling, MD Many focal laser ablation patients, and those considering this targeted prostate cancer treatment, are eagerly anticipating the May 15-19 American Urological Association meeting in New Orleans. Given that the majority of urologists are not exactly FLA-friendly, why would fans of our pioneering and elegant therapy set their sights on this meeting? keep reading
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