Sperling Prostate Center

Category: Health & Wellness

Men Who Carry Dangerous Breast Cancer Genes

In the world of women’s health, word about new tests and treatments gets out quickly. Countless women know about two gene mutations, BRCA1 and BRCA2. When these two genes function normally, they help to make sure cells don’t proliferate out of control. However, certain mutations can dramatically raise breast cancer risk. In the world of men’s health, news about personal wellness concerns tends to spread more slowly, so today we're getting the word out about how those two genetic mutations actually increase a man’s risk for prostate cancer... keep reading

Mummies Reveal Ancient Heart Disease

Mummies and heart disease
At the Sperling Prostate Center, we embrace the saying, “If it’s good for the heart, it’s good for the prostate—and vice versa.” It’s our way of reminding everyone that if you want prostate wellness, follow the principles of healthy diet, exercise, stress management, and right relationships that support total body wellness. I’ve posted numerous blogs keep reading

Wishing Won’t Make ED Go Away – But A Healthy Lifestyle Can Help

Natural treatment for ED
A newly published article on erectile dysfunction begins, “Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common sexual dysfunction disease in adult males. ED can be caused by many factors, such as vascular disease, neuropathy, metabolic disturbances, psychosocial causes, and side effects of medications.”[i] Note that many of these conditions are linked with unhealthy lifestyle habits. Thus, keep reading

Can an Ancient Diet Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk?

Mediterranean Diet and Prostate Cancer - Sperling Prostate Center
As ancient as the Mediterranean diet may be, it is very much a current event. It is promoted as one of the healthiest—if not THE healthiest—food programs on earth. Now another centuries-old diet is making headlines: the Atlantic diet. It is named after Portugal and northwest Spain, whose traditional cuisines include Atlantic fish and shellfish, and locally sourced plant foods. keep reading
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