When life goes along smoothly, it is easy to take for granted things like material comfort, physical and mental health, and the safety of our loved ones and ourselves. However, life has a way of surprising us with unforeseen unpleasantness. Illness, especially cancer, shakes us out of our comfort zone and thrusts us into unfamiliar keep reading
It’s not news that radical prostatectomy (RP), including robotic assisted laparascopic prostatectomy RALP), has the potential for urinary and sexual side effects. Over time, most of them improve with or without treatment. Surgery patients generally accept the risk, and learn to manage if they experience short or long term side effects. However, as with any keep reading
Anyone who has worked in sales knows that confidence in the product you’re representing is a key factor in success. In medical sales, confidence must go hand in hand with caution, because a patient’s life or quality of life often depends on two factors: the excellence of the device, and the excellence of the doctor’s keep reading
“My body is like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don’t think about it, I just have it.” These words from Arnold Schwarzenegger reflect an all too common attitude in men’s health. Men are notorious for not listening to their own bodies, even when an unusual symptom is waving a warning flag. Compared to women’s health, keep reading