Brachytherapy (permanent radioactive seeds) involves the implantation of tiny radioactive pellets throughout the prostate gland, which are left in place permanently. As with other conventional prostate cancer treatments, brachytherapy has undergone refinements that now offer better cancer control and reduced side effects.
Among the most important improvements are more tailored patterns of implantation, precise location of the tumor, and three-dimensional radiation dose planning, or dosimetry. This means that a highly concentrated dose of radiation can be implanted where it is most needed while still treating the remainder of the gland with lower levels of radiation.
The Sperling Prostate Center offers expert MRI-Guided prostate mapping to facilitate:
a) The decision of whether or not to consider Brachytherapy as a treatment option
b) Confirming guidance for the Urologist or Radiation Oncologist in planning and performing the treatment.
Advantages of MRI Mapping Before Brachytherapy
The Sperling Prostate Center team unites advanced technology with experience, providing superior MRI mapping to assist with strategic brachytherapy seed placement.
Confirm prostate volume
Accurate tumor location
Greater detail than available with Ultrasound
Early information on most effective locations for concentrating radiation doses
Collaboration with Urologist and Radiation Oncologist
Who Should Consider MRI Mapping Prior to Brachytherapy?
Patients for whom radical prostatectomy (surgical removal) is not advised
Patients for whom radical prostatectomy is not desired
Patients who prefer radiation therapy but not the daily beam radiation treatments