Sperling Prostate Center

What’s The Word About Deer Antler Velvet Extract?

UPDATE: 5/14/2021
Originally published 7/18/2019

For consumers of healthcare products, sales of deer antler velvet products are alive and well in the marketplace. Supplements in the form of pills, capsules, liquids and sprays are available, and touted as improving general wellness and athletic performance.

In relation to prostate cancer (PCa), a collaborative research team from Korea and China published a 2015 laboratory study using deer velvet antler (their terminology, abbreviated DVA) applied to PCa cells in lab preparations[i]. DVA, especially one extract formulated with the highest proportion of organic matter (T-DVA), is rich in antioxidants which are known to have anti-cancer properties. Their lab experiment demonstrated that T-DVA suppressed the protein expression of PSA and also had to the potential to inhibit metastatic processes of PCa cells.

As cited in the original blog below, four years later the same team[ii] published their experiment with lab animals that had been implanted with PCa tumor cells. When sacrificed after two weeks of exposure to antler extract, it was found that both PSA and blood testosterone levels had dropped, and tumor growth had been inhibited by 65.8%. Genomic analysis of the specimens revealed anti-cancer activity through the downregulation of specific genes that can promote tumor activity.

A more recent (2021) Spanish lab study likewise explains that deer antlers have “…evolved a high rate of growth due to the expression of proto-oncogenes and that they have also evolved to express several tumor suppressor genes to control the risk of cancer.”[iii] They tested antler extract on normal cells, where it appeared to be non-toxic. Then, when tested on glioblastoma (brain cancer) cells, it was discovered that exposure inhibited several tumor proliferation processes, suggesting that someday antler velvet extract may play a role in treating this deadly cancer.

The Tang studies (2015 and 2019) are the only published studies regarding PCa. Neither involved human trials, nor have there been any published papers on antler extract in humans. Also, there is no published evidence that deer antler velvet extract can prevent cancer. The idea that it can prevent or cure PCa is speculative. Do not use yourself as test subject! Please re-read the blog below for more information.


Every living organism comes with a preprogrammed “owner’s manual” with instructions organized by maintenance and repair topics. Take antlers on deer. In all deer species, the stags grow antlers (female caribou or reindeer also produce antlers).  Around 6 months of age, a buck fawn will develop a pair of bumps called pedicles, the base from which antlers will grow. According to its owner’s manual, growing and shedding antlers is an annual cycle based on internal hormones and external light.

The cycle begins in spring

The growth cycle typically starts around April when the days are lengthening. Antlers are produced on the tops of the pedicles, and they are the fastest growing animal tissue, up to ¼ inch per day. The buck’s body produces biochemical resources that tissue cells use for growth, regeneration and repair.

Velvet facilitates antler growth

As the antlers begin the early surge in the summer months, they are not yet hard bone but instead feel spongy to the touch. While they are dynamically forming, they are rich in blood vessels and nerves. These are especially dense in the outer covering, a hairy skin called velvet. The stag needs velvet for antler formation because its blood vessels and nerves deliver growth factors and hormonal biochemicals. If the velvet is cut or removed during this time, it bleeds profusely and is very painful for the deer. Meanwhile, mineral deposits such as calcium and phosphorus gradually fill in and replace the spongy tissue, turning the antlers into true bone.

As summer turns to fall, the increasing bone deposition starts to cut off the blood supply to the velvet. When this is complete, the velvet dries up and sheds from the antlers. The stag may rub its antlers against trees to facilitate the shedding, and deer have been observed eating their shed velvet. As daylight hours continue to shorten, the stag’s testosterone levels start to rise and breeding season begins, lasting until late fall or early winter.

Finally, the winter solstice brings the year’s shortest days, mating season ends, and testosterone levels drop. Per its owner’s manual, the stag’s bony antlers now erode at the pedicle seam. The antler loosens and falls off, “leaving a bloody depression which quickly scabs over.”[iv] In spring, the cycle starts anew.

Is deer antler velvet good for humans?

It’s not known when or how humans figured that if velvet is good for dear, it might also be good for humans. In traditional Chinese medicine, antler velvet has been used medicinally for thousands of years. In our own time, an abundance of lab analysis has revealed that velvet contains female hormones, growth factors, amino acids and other essential molecular messengers that can regulate gene activity and promote tissue growth/repair. In short, science supports theoretical health benefits. In particular, velvet is rich in insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hormone that potentially offers anti-aging and performance-enhancing effects, but which may promote cancer development. Here is just a shortlist of what people take antler velvet for:

  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Treat high blood pressure
  • Prevent osteoporosis
  • Strengthen the lower backand knees
  • Boost the immune system
  • Improve cognitive skills
  • Help with sexuality and fertility
  • Support women’s reproductive health
  • Protect men’s erectile function
  • The list goes on and on!

Does research confirm human health benefits?

In addition to molecular analysis, there have been numerous animal studies that have demonstrated better vascular healing after cardiac events[v], injury prevention through anti-inflammatory properties[vi], and suppression of prostate cancer cell activity[vii]. While this seems promising, please consider:

  1. To date, there are no Level One studies (controlled, randomized, blinded) studies that support specific improvements in physical or mental conditions. Level One is the highest level of research. “There is some evidence that deer antler spray may work for improving performance and physique. However, it seems that an individual needs
    to take very high doses in order for these benefits to occur.”[viii]
  2. Small observational studies report no harmful side effects over 10-12 week periods of daily use.
  3. Many commercially available antler velvet supplements are formulated with additional herbs or compounds that do have a beneficial track record, e.g. L-arginine supports blood vessel health which can have some benefit for cardiovascular and erectile performance—making it difficult to tease out velvet itself as a bioactive ingredient
  4. Swallowing antler velvet as a powder or pill diminishes any effect it might have, since the digestive system breaks it down. Manufacturers recommend absorption under the tongue (spray or tablet) where the tissues take a “shortcut” into the bloodstream.
  5. A 2018 study conducted by a Master’s degree candidate at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Graduate College compared blood levels of IGF-1 between those who took antler velvet vs. a placebo, and found absolutely no before-and-after difference in blood levels in either group.[ix]

Law of unintended consequences?

Humans tend to capitalize on something that looks wonderful, but often overlook its impact on the source. Ancient medical wisdom advises: Above all, do no harm. While use of antler velvet appears to be
harm-free for humans, if deer could talk what would they say? Harvesting velvet (the process is called velveting) is done before the antlers fully harden. Velveting involves

… the surgical removal of velvet antler from male deer (stags). The animal is sedated, restrained, and given an appropriate local anesthetic to prevent pain. After an appropriate time delay that allows the anesthetic to take effect, a rubber tourniquet is applied to the base of each antler, and the antler is surgically removed. … Once harvesting of velvet is done, deer is usually free to roam, without feeling any side effects from the procedure. The harvested velvet is then frozen, sterilized, sliced and then manufactured to what are the available forms in the market today.[x]

I am skeptical that the stags feel no side effects, including pain and trauma. In countries where deer farming is part of agribusiness, velveting practices are regulated by laws intended to enforce humane treatment. In a blog from well-respected Andrew Weil, MD, he notes that “… the United Kingdom has banned the removal of deer antler velvet under its welfare-of-livestock regulations, unless the antlers have been damaged or most of the velvet has been shed.”[xi]

Finally, consider the ultimate impact on the natural genetic hardiness of deer. During breeding season, stags do battle with their antlers in competition for access to does. Only the fittest are victorious, nature’s way of ensuring that their offspring are best fit for life and future procreation. A stag with no antlers still has a testosterone surge needed for mating, but stands no chance to prove himself a worthy sire.


I am not recommending for or against the use of deer antler velvet. While I find no good evidence that it is effective, I also find no indication of harm. I do, however, strongly urge interested persons to research manufacturers and read ingredients. The expense of the products is partly due to the farming and velveting practices, but I detect broader ethical issues beneath the surface of this business.

The Latin principle caveat emptor best sums it up: Let the buyer take responsibility for checking the quality, safety and effectiveness of deer antler velvet before purchasing it.

NOTE: This content is solely for purposes of information and does not substitute for diagnostic or medical advice. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing pelvic pain, or have any other health concerns or questions of a personal medical nature.


[i] Tang YJ, Jeon BT, Wang Y, Choi EJ et al. First Evidence that Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) Velvet Antler Extract Suppresses Migration of Human Prostate Cancer Cells. Korean J Food Sci Anim Resour. 2015; 35(4): 507–514.

[ii] Tang Y, Fan M, Choi Y, Yu Y et al. Sika deer (Cervus Nippon) velvet antler extract attenuates prostate cancer in xeonograft model. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2019 Feb;83(2):348-356.

[iii] Chonco L, Landete-Castillejos T, Serrano-Heras G, Serrano MP et al. Anti-tumour activity of deer growing antlers and its potential applications in the treatment of malignant gliomas. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 8;11(1):42.

[iv] Knox, W. Matt. “About Deer Antlers.” http://www.iwla-rh.org/html/DGIF_articles/deer_antlers.html

[v] Li Y, Wang Z, Mao M, Zhao M et al. Velvet Antler Mobilizes Endothelial Progenitor Cells to Promote Angiogenesis and Repair Vascular Endothelial Injury in Rats Following Myocardial Infarction. Front Physiol. 2019 Jan 17;9:1940.

[vi] Jui-Shu C, Hung-Jen L, Jeng-Shyan D, Wen-Tzu W et al. Preventive Effects of Velvet Antler (Cervus elaphus) against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice by Inhibiting MAPK/NF-?B Activation and Inducing AMPK/Nrf2 Pathways. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:2870503.

[vii] Tang Y, Fan M, Choi Y, Yu Y et al. Sika deer (Cervus Nippon) velvet antler extract attenuates prostate cancer in xeonograft model. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2019 Feb;83(2):348-356.

[viii] https://draxe.com/deer-antler-spray/

[ix] Navalta, M. Changes in IGF-1 Levels Post Deer Antler Velvet Supplementation. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Master of Science-Kinesiology. UNLV. 2018. https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4288&context=thesesdissertations

[x] https://www.americanelkvelvet.com/blogs/blog/13263625-how-is-american-elk-velvet-harvested

[xi] https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/supplements-remedies/is-deer-antler-velvet-worthwhile/

About Dr. Dan Sperling

Dan Sperling, MD, DABR, is a board certified radiologist who is globally recognized as a leader in multiparametric MRI for the detection and diagnosis of a range of disease conditions. As Medical Director of the Sperling Prostate Center, Sperling Medical Group and Sperling Neurosurgery Associates, he and his team are on the leading edge of significant change in medical practice. He is the co-author of the new patient book Redefining Prostate Cancer, and is a contributing author on over 25 published studies. For more information, contact the Sperling Prostate Center.

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