Sperling Prostate Center

The Sperling Prostate Center, experts in forward-looking technologies for the detection, diagnosis, and image-guided treatments of prostate disease, is proud to now add TULSA-PRO to our custom treatment choices.

What is TULSA-PRO?

TULSA-PRO, or Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation of the Prostate, is a safe and effective outpatient method of destroying low to intermediate risk prostate cancer. It is also simply called TULSA. TULSA is minimally invasive, with no incisions or radiation. TULSA is individually tailored to each patient’s anatomy and the extent of his disease.

How does TULSA work?

Video: 3D simulation of the TULSA-PRO system during treatment courtesy of Profound Medical

Under the guidance of real-time MRI, a very thin applicator wand called an ultrasound transducer is inserted into the prostate gland through the urethra (tube that carries urine from the bladder).

During TULSA, the applicator device rotates, sweeping the gland with successive planes of focused ultrasound energy, or soundwaves. Because the destructive power of soundwaves is delivered from within the urethra, it allows better access to the prostate. Some patients find it helpful to picture TULSA as an “inside-out” treatment.

Notably, TULSA can adapt to a range of pre-planned targeted ablation (destruction), allowing treatment of any volume of tissue from a small focal tumor up to the entire gland.

Thanks to MRI-based treatment planning as well as MRI guidance and monitoring at every step of the procedure, TULSA treatment avoids incidental damage to adjacent structures that control urinary and sexual function.



TULSA PRO procedure explanation
Illustration courtesy of Profound Medical


Key features of TULSA

The benefits of TULSA come from its key features:

  • MRI accurately identifies the area to be treated, allowing a treatment plan tailored to each patient’s anatomy and extent of disease
  • MRI visualization guides treatment from start to finish, and confirms treatment effect
  • Special MRI software monitors temperature and treatment coverage of the target zone in real time
  • TULSA is adaptable from focal treatment to whole-gland treatment
  • Outpatient procedure
  • No general anesthesia
  • No incisions
  • No exposure to radiation
  • Low risk of urinary and sexual side effects
  • Does not eliminate any future treatment options, including repeat TULSA

A first-of-its kind treatment earns FDA approval

According to the Focused Ultrasound Foundation:

“TULSA-PRO is the first transurethral ultrasound device to earn FDA approval for the ablation of prostate tissue.” The FDA’s decision was based on positive results from an international clinical trial of 115 patients showing an average 95% PSA reduction to a low point of 0.34 ng/ml. Patients had a low occurrence of urinary and sexual side effects associated with prostatectomy.[i]

Our growing family of prostate treatments

The Sperling Prostate Center, under the direction of Dr. Dan Sperling, is proud to be in the vanguard of technologically advanced prostate cancer solutions. Our pioneering use of 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging established us as leaders in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases. We were innovators in Focal Laser Ablation. We were an investigational site for a national clinical trial of MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound for the treatment of prostate cancer tumors, using Insightec’s Exablate Prostate system, which gained FDA clearance following completion of the trial. Our Center’s growing family of treatments for low-to-intermediate prostate cancer now includes:

In addition, our Center incorporates breakthrough Artificial Intelligence tools, a rapidly expanding field to which Dr. Sperling has personally contributed research.

Our Center’s dedication to excellence not just in prostate health but in overall men’s wellness is second to none. We bring experience and empathy to each patient and his loved ones. As we continue to add to our state-of-the-art clinical technologies, we have the range of resources needed to address each patient’s unique needs.

Are you a candidate for TULSA-PRO?

Request your free consultation with Dr. Sperling and we’ll review your unique circumstances together to see if TULSA-PRO Ablation is right for you.

Contact us


[i] Klotz L, Pavlovich CP, Chin J, Hatiboglu G et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation of Prostate Cancer. J Urol. 2021 Mar;205(3):769-779.

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