Sperling Prostate Center

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: AI is a Value-Added Improvement on all MRI Levels

MRI Screening Reduces Unnecessary Prostate Biopsies
Is there any part of the body that can’t benefit from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? So far, science hasn’t found one. In fact, not only can simple, straightforward MRI be applied to virtually all body parts, but MRI technology lends itself to endless development. For example, there are numerous variants in image acquisition that provide keep reading

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Predicting Prostate Cancer Progression During Active Surveillance

“Despite increasing adoption of active surveillance (AS) for low-risk prostate cancer, AS discontinuation rates are high, investigators report.” This quote, from a September 2021 Renal & Urology News report, referred to a study of over 16,000 Canadian prostate cancer (PCa) patients who had been diagnosed with low risk disease from 2008-2014. 51% of these patients keep reading

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: AI Finds Incidental Prostate Cancer in Routine CT Scans

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Imagine this scenario. Your doctor orders a pelvic CT scan to check if the pain you’re experiencing is due to a kidney stone or other blockage. After the scan, he says, “I’m happy to tell you there’s no evidence of stones and your kidney looks fine. Oh, and incidentally, you have prostate cancer.” Of course, keep reading

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: The Use of AI is a Mark of Distinction for Sperling Prostate Center

Artificial Intelligence and Radiology - Sperling Prostate Center
In 1854, Henry David Thoreau wrote, “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” The metaphor of marching to the beat of a different drum is an apt one for the Sperling Prostate Center and Sperling Medical Group, especially when it comes to incorporating keep reading
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