Sperling Prostate Center

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: AI Finds Incidental Prostate Cancer in Routine CT Scans

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Imagine this scenario. Your doctor orders a pelvic CT scan to check if the pain you’re experiencing is due to a kidney stone or other blockage. After the scan, he says, “I’m happy to tell you there’s no evidence of stones and your kidney looks fine. Oh, and incidentally, you have prostate cancer.” Of course, keep reading

MRI/Ultrasound Fusion May Come with a Pitfall Called Registration Error

MRI/Ultrasound Fusion May Come with a Pitfall Called Registration Error
I came across a study written by a team of German urology/radiology research team. The authors are all physicians, and their report compares three commercial MRI/ultrasound fusion technologies: BioJet (D&K Technologies), UroNav (Invivo Corp.) and Trinity (KOELIS).[i] Their comparison study occupies the intellectual space where technology and medicine meet, since fusion literally integrates the brainpower keep reading
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